A bit late perhaps but I keep meaning to share my ‘2020 Year in Books‘ from Goodreads and keep forgetting. I won’t get into reviewing them all here but it was a good year overall. My top three were House of Stone, The Overstory, and The Pants of Perspective. Actually, I need a top five, although these two are audiobooks so maybe that’s a separate category, Maybe You Should Talk to Someone and Spinster were really enjoyable too.
This week has been spent working my way through the running coach certification and I’m about half way. Progress stalled towards the end of the week but I’m hoping to get through another module this afternoon. It’s reassuring how much of it is familiar from already having personal training qualifications and from constantly reading articles and following other coaches over the last however many years.
In baking news I attempted sourdough bagels for the first time. The hole in the middle didn’t hold through the baking process but otherwise they turned out very well.

The absolute highlight of this week drifted in at the last moment… SNOW DAY! Ordinarily I wouldn’t get quite so excited as it’s a pain having to drive around to and from work in. Seeing as we can’t go anywhere anyway it’s been disappointing seeing photos from other areas of the country that had snow while Abingdon just had rain. It was wonderful to get out for run-photo-walk for an hour earlier. Timed just right to see it still fresh and relatively quiet before then crossing paths with lots more walkers as I headed back home. Seeing people’s dogs getting SO excited by it was lovely. I’ve been feeling quite low this week, yesterday’s run was difficult as I was in pain and suffering with a horrible headache which lasted all day (thanks for that, hormones) and this morning this has cheered me up a LOT.
Only one more week of January left. No idea how much longer this lockdown will last and I’m still torn between wanting to get back to the gym and enjoying making the most of all the extra time to do my own thing and I know I’m incredibly lucky to even be in that position. It’s hard to be able to see or feel whether progress is happening when, at the moment especially, the focus is on one day at a time.