Following the success of the Saturday white loaf the following weekend I started on the the pizza recipes. In the book I’m working from all the bread recipes start with 1,000g of flour. That’s double what I had previously worked with and, as I mentioned last time, enough for two […]
9 posts
This week has felt really lazy. It didn’t start promisingly though, with a raging hangover, after having finished off far too much wine. That, and I think lockdown induced lethargy. Monday ended up being a PJ day with no workouts and hardly any work although I did manage to bake […]
Friday: Man, it’s annoying getting chocolate on the bed sheets the day after they’ve been through the wash. I’m not even sure how it happened, under the duvet, near the feet end. I do eat a lot of chocolate but that’s still a weird place for it to end up […]
One full month of 2021 gone already. It’s weird how the last week, and month, seem to have gone really quickly. The snow of last weekend barely lasted 24 hours. Today is the last day of the month and Hot Chocolate Day, definitely something it’s sensible to be celebrated in […]
Two years in a row I’ve wanted to do an end of the year round up of the books I’ve enjoyed reading most and twice started writing that out only to abandon it when we’re too far into the new year and new books for that to feel relevant. This […]
New and unusual working life means I now have the luxury of Wednesdays OFF. Well, the idea is supposed to be that I use the time for studying, but how could I resist spending the first of these ‘Wed-study-days’ out and about. My destination of choice for such mini-adventures is […]