It appears to have been a foodie week. Pancake day was on Tuesday. I don’t remember the last time I joined in with this as I would normally be working or just forget so went to town and had a sweet stack and a cheesy stack. The cheesy ones were my favourite. Goat’s cheese, toasted walnuts and a drizzle of honey.
It just so happened I was in town on Thursday so decided to revisit the Polish shop and do Fat Thursday again. This time with apple pie and a chocolate cherry layer cake. Then on Friday a huuuuge box of chocolate arrived which is not just allowed but actually essential as it’s part of a campaign for the big chocolate brands to join efforts to “tackle poverty and exploitation in the supply chain“.
My mission to get faster at running has not yet produced a new 5km PB (previous one set on 8th Jan) but I did get a fastest mile by 15 seconds which I’m very happy with. I will continue with the speed work but I have entered and starting training next week for another 50km trail race in June so the focus will be back to endurance. I had a lovely 2 hour run around in Bagley Woods today. I love being surrounded by the trees. It took me back to when we were little and used to visit Bowood with Gran and Grandad who lived nearby. It’s surprising that I’ve never really made the effort to explore that area more before now. I will definitely be back more often now that the weather’s improved and found an easier way to get in.
That was a nice way to end the week. In between everything else it’s been difficult still being stuck in lockdown. Apart from running and reading apparently I’m not great at motivating myself to do anything or at least with much urgency. I keep going round in circles of feeling that I should be being busy and trying to be ‘productive’ somehow. But then also conscious that I’d never be able to take this much time off if it wasn’t for the lockdown and government support scheme. So maybe I should enjoy just going with the flow and have slow days when I feel like it. There isn’t really a right answer is there. Somewhere between the two extremes I guess.