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relentlessly average

Back out of Lockdown

Missed a week last week. Being back to working at the gyms after lockdown must have caused some extra fatigue. It has been good to be back and teaching classes face to face with people though. On Friday I taught yoga and the energy in the room was so incredible, everyone breathing and moving in such a strong focused way. I had goosebumps during the relaxation. Those kind of classes don’t happen very often for me but it is magical when they do and shows the power of group exercise, which I feel is sometimes considered the lowliest of the fitness industry, the shared energy created by moving and breathing in rhythm with each other.

Running has been good this week too. Currently working towards a target of 150km between 1st and 25th December for the Run Up 2 Christmas. If I can finish that a day or two early I stand a chance of getting to 1,500 miles in total for 2020. There’s a 43 mile gap and seven days to the end of the so it would be a stretch but theoretically it is possible. I have had a really sore ankle over the last few days and feeling every single running step which may need to be rested although I’m hopeful it’s only my body readjusting to the extra mobility work I’ve been doing. Watch this space.

The mobility challenge I’m working on is a 14 day splits challenge from The Ready State. My hips (and everything) are chronically tight so this is difficult and less than a week in I’m feeling tempted to skip it in favour of lazing in front of the TV. Oh, wait. I wonder why my body is so stiff.

Baking has also been a big feature. Continuing good results with the sourdough encouraged me to be more creative and attempt something sweet. Sourdough cinnamon rolls filled with … marmalade. Yep. Sweet, sticky, orangey goodness, on a sweetened buttery, cinnamony bread dough. They taste gorgeous and I will definitely be making them again. And now the sweet carb coma is starting to draw me in. Until next week.

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