Well, that posting every week plan didn’t last long! Hard to keep the momentum going. I can’t imagine I’ll ever end up reading these ever again but you never know. In a few years time, perhaps. So, still in lockdown. Watching too much Netflix, continuing with training and finding bigger […]
covid lockdown
12 posts
What to say when you don’t know what to say? My sleep hasn’t been great this week and I’m not sure why unless it’s worry about the busyness of going back to work. Classes will actually be starting back before the gyms open as groups can meet outdoors from the […]
Energy levels have been better this week. Solar powered. It’s been sunny every day which is a first for a while and has made such a difference to everyone’s mood. Although today, after a two hour run slipping along muddy trails and up and down around the woods, I am […]
It appears to have been a foodie week. Pancake day was on Tuesday. I don’t remember the last time I joined in with this as I would normally be working or just forget so went to town and had a sweet stack and a cheesy stack. The cheesy ones were […]
This week has felt really lazy. It didn’t start promisingly though, with a raging hangover, after having finished off far too much wine. That, and I think lockdown induced lethargy. Monday ended up being a PJ day with no workouts and hardly any work although I did manage to bake […]
Friday: Man, it’s annoying getting chocolate on the bed sheets the day after they’ve been through the wash. I’m not even sure how it happened, under the duvet, near the feet end. I do eat a lot of chocolate but that’s still a weird place for it to end up […]