June felt like a busy month. After the race weekend I had two weekends of launching the new releases for the Les Mills then the Spirit yoga-pilates-to-music class at David Lloyd (which was horrible to learn even though I’d already done most of it in December to pass the certification) […]
28 posts
New entry to the list of hardest things I’ve ever done. Possibly the hardest thing physically. My plan was to write this out before bed so it was all still fresh in but by the time I’d sat at the finish to rest, driven an hour back to the airbnb […]
End of May Bank Holiday weekend. After one of the coldest, wettest May months on record the sun has finally come out to play. With one week to go now until the Maverick Race in Exmoor the chances that I’ll die of heat exhaustion or sunburn are now on a […]
Only four weeks to go now until the next 50km race day. Maverick Race in Exmoor. Training had been going well up until a month ago but since the gyms reopened the midweek runs took a hit and the weekend runs have happened without enthusiasm. I’m not excited about the […]
Well, that posting every week plan didn’t last long! Hard to keep the momentum going. I can’t imagine I’ll ever end up reading these ever again but you never know. In a few years time, perhaps. So, still in lockdown. Watching too much Netflix, continuing with training and finding bigger […]
What to say when you don’t know what to say? My sleep hasn’t been great this week and I’m not sure why unless it’s worry about the busyness of going back to work. Classes will actually be starting back before the gyms open as groups can meet outdoors from the […]